Before the "Lidl Surprises" campaign, I thought of Lidl as that cheap-supermarket-around-the-corner that relied on basic press adverts and leafleting to get its price message across. However, with the launch of their first major, and brilliantly coordinated, campaign, Lidl have demonstrated that they are more than just that!
Their big idea works across an array of digital platforms as well as in-store displays and print publications. Sporting the hashtag #LidlSurprises, Lidl are literally surprising us all!

Now... That crafty hashtag... It is obviously not a new or ground-breaking idea. However, it does encourage us to get online to view, tweet, Instagram and Facebook all about Lidl and its #LidlSurprises! An imaginative use of social media to turn the brands negative image into a positive one!
And they don't stop there! Lidl use Twitter to its full advantage. Using the hashtag which they have created, Lidl are using customer tweets in their printed ads.These positive tweets that use the #LidlSuprises hashtag have also been used in-store.
These adverts are consistent with the playful and cheery theme of the campaign, showing customers making comments about how they were surprised that Lidl actually do sell decent,
What does this mean for the likes of Asda and Tesco? Lets just say that every 'Lidl' is unhelpful...
Here is a taster of Lidl's #LidlSurprises TV adverts... And keep your eyes peeled for their new Christmas adverts too!
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