I'm sorry, blog, for neglecting you. I will now list my excuses;
- The final term of my 2nd year at University was stressful.
- I couldn't find the time in between a rush of assignments, a part-time job, filling out placement applications and having a life.
- I had too many things I wanted to share and write about!
And here is a list that gives an update of where I currently am in life;
- I decided to change my degree to four years instead of three, taking a placement year inbetween my 2nd and 3rd years of study. (This means I will be out there in the-big-wide-world-of-real-work from July 2015-July 2016!)
- I was successful in getting a placement with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (PlayStation UK)
- I am the Public Relations Intern at PlayStation UK and I couldn't be happier!
A list always makes me feel better... Now that I have that out of the way, I can begin.
I made my blogging debut in October 2013. As a
PR student I understood that creating and maintaining a blog would allow me to
make use of an increasingly popular communication platform, and it has been an
enjoyable journey (to a certain extent!). However, myself and my peers were told that one of our assignments was to create and maintain a blog. And if we didn't? We would fail university. Ok, maybe a little dramatic, we just wouldn't be able to get top marks in a particular module of our course.
The idea of creating a blog was exciting at first, I have always enjoyed creative
writing and, being an opinionated person, I hoped that creating a blog would allow me to enhance my writing and
communication skills. Besides, blogging is a great way to promote
myself (especially in the world of PR!).
Cutting a long story short, until now my blog has been primarily for marks towards my assignments. Seeing as I'm not technically at University this year, I'm changing the tone and I will be posting more personally, always keeping it PR related of course!
Good news about the placement: thanks for the update.