Twitter, Tesco And A Not-So-Secret-Santa

"In need of a little gift inspiration? Then let Santa scan your loved one's Twitter profile, so you can find them the perfect present for less..." - Tesco Clubcard

Its the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas is upon us (27 days to go, to be precise) and Tesco Clubcard has got itself wrapped in Christmas spirit; launching a Twitter campaign that helps Christmas shoppers find gifts that "won't break the bank."

The Clubcard crew have teamed up with We Are Social to create a campaign that promises to find the ideal gift for our loved ones via Twitter. The Tesco Clubcard secret Scan-ta website and app scans users' Twitter accounts to identify who they follow and discover their interests.

Using the information to suggest suitable gifts and links to the Tesco Clubcard website where users can then purchase the 'ideal' products. What a brilliant little idea by Tesco, promoting their Clubcard offerings to consumers and using a huge social media platform to make Christmas shopping that little bit easier! Tesco-tastic!

Take a look at (and try out) the secret scan-ta website here.


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Girl Behind The Mask

Sarah Lucia Lowers. Slowers. 18-year-old student living in London. Studying PR at the University of Greenwich. Greenwich is beautiful. Love♥