How amazing! Its like some sort of miracle! Like The Life of Pi but in real life!

The pictures of the survivor showed him being helped off of a police patrol boat. The bearded man smiling and waving, clutching a can of coke.
Invaluable PR for Coca-Cola! Even though Alvarenga's hand is covering the instantly recognisable logo, and Coca-Cola font, the red can of Coke is easily identifiable. A castaway, after a said 16 months at sea, drinking just "turtle blood" and his "own urine", takes his first steps on mainland grasping a can of legendary Coca-Cola. Maybe I'm looking into this a little too much, but I can't help thinking this may have been posed? Was this a planned publicity stunt by Coca-Cola? Or did the man just fulfill a year and a half craving for a can of full-fat-fizzy-sugar?
Either way, these pictures demonstrate how branding can enter the public consciousness. Now Alvarenga has survived his ordeal, providing Coca-Cola with indispensable publicity, he is surely entitled to a life's supply of free Cokes?!
An amazing story, regardless of the Coke can!
Well whatever it was publicity or deranged Hagrid pirate ,coca-colas winning because after reading this all I can think about is how much I fancy an ice cold glass of coke...again brilliantly written xoxo