Christmas is over. Please. Lets just take that in... I love love love Christmas. I can't stress this to you enough. I am your classic Christmas lover. I scream when I see Christmas cards on sale in August (screaming with excitement may I add, unlike my mother who screams with horror and then doesn't stop going on about how it is "just farrrr to early" etc etc...) and I can't help dancing to any Christmas song that I hear! In fact, I know that, right now, there are exactly 340 days and 11 hours until Christmas 2014!
But its over. I already miss the M&S Christmas bags and my favourite M&S "Christmas Limited Edition" sandwich . But most of all, I miss the constant Instagram posts of my fellow friends/peers demonstrating they have just enjoyed a Costa or Starbucks takeaway coffee in one of their magical and chistmassy cups!
In early October our favourite Coffee shop chains begin the festive excitement by changing the design of their cups. Every year Starbucks grab consumer attention by springing Christmas spirit on to customers with their beautifully red Christmas cups. This year, however, Costa Coffee caused a stir! Costa had to do something different this Christmas as their cups are red all year round. Costa made bought out Christmas cups in four designs with the idea that the person drinking the coffee out of the coffee cup completes the image. A cup with Father Christmas's beard, an elf uniform, a snowman's body and the body of a gingerbread man. Simple and clever, bring festive fun to social networking as everyone couldn't wait to post and document their Christmas coffee.
Brilliant PR by the major Coffee chains! The power of photography, as a PR tool, allowed for free publicity via social media networking sites. Instagram became awash with images of Christmas coffee cups and hashtags, such as #ChristmasCup, was overused! Starbucks and Costa didn't need to advertise this Christmas. We were doing it for them!
Here are a few snaps of my Instagram followers enjoying their festively fun cups of Coffee!

I see my Starbucks cup! ;) thanks for including me in your blog (copyright?!)
ReplyDeleteLove this post Sar, I swear I can hear your voice reading it to me, getting all excited over Christmas...
x x x