We haven't witnessed any snow but we've had our fair share of rain, that's for sure!
In an attempt to demonstrate that they are 'handling' the situation, government ministers have been turning up in nicely polished shoes or brand new wellies, visiting flood-hit areas and promising flood victims that the government are doing everything they can...
Ministers and public figures have been heckled and harangued by residents of the waterlogged towns during these flying visits. Even the Prime Minister, who was constantly accompanied by 'assistants' who were meant to protect him from angry crowds, was in the firing line of on-the-spot angry comments.

And if you haven't seen the pictures of Prince Charles on his daisy-chain-decorated "flood-throne"
Of course the Prince shouldn't have to paddle through murky, sewage filled waters! But did he really need to be ferried about on what appeared to be a makeshift royal barge (complete with throne)?Is this all a big PR disaster or just a case of "damned if they do, damned if they don't?"
Contrast the above with the pictures of Prince William and Harry doing "their bit" and actually helping out in secret! The cynical amongst you, however, might say that the princes being there was all a media stunt. If that were the case it was well thought out on PR terms!
I think the poor old government PR people were on a 'hiding to nothing' with the floods, like you say "damned if they do, damned if they don't"