"Stop It Before It Starts"

On my usual Monday morning commute to University, I was flicking through my copy of the Metro. An article caught my eye, reminding me that Monday, was in fact, the first day of this year's 'Eating Disorder Awareness Week.'

The touching article involved two 17 year old girls, Sophia Parvizi-Wayne and Amber Van Dam. Sophia has suffered from Anorexia Nervosa, a potentially life-threatening mental health issue. The two girls are running a campaign in an attempt to place mental health awareness on the national curriculum, a concept which I strongly agree with. 

Thankfully, Sophia has now recovered from Anorexia. Knowing, as I do, people that suffer from this illness, I am aware of the every day battle that they fight to overcome it. Even after recovery, both mentally and physically, the battle goes on to keep the illness at bay...

The campaign, however, isn't solely focused on eating disorders, the girls understand that self-harming, depression and body dysmorphia are just a selection of other important issues. "They want to alert children, teachers and parents to the early signs of mental illness." 

To sign Sophia and Amber's petition "Stop It Before it Starts", please visit epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/59244.

Mental health issues can affect anyone. Not just the sufferer. It affects friends, family and, subsequently, anyone around that individual. Eating disorders are life threatening, as are any mental health issue.  To find out more, please visit the website 'time-to-change'. You can also read the article about the girls and their campaign here.

For more information about eating disorders, please go to:



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Girl Behind The Mask

Sarah Lucia Lowers. Slowers. 18-year-old student living in London. Studying PR at the University of Greenwich. Greenwich is beautiful. Love♥